A structure’s safety and integrity are preserved only by giving it qualified attention

Services we coordinate:
Building assessment evaluation
Invasive investigation of building components
Water and air infiltration testing
Laboratory testing of existing material
Emergency stabilization and shoring        
Pedestrian protection systems
Feasibility analysis
Anchorage and condition assessments of building veneers
Crack and deflection assessments
Concrete/masonry core sampling
Testing of existing and new sealants


We look at the whole picture with a careful and thorough investigation.

The CM2 team has the comprehensive background, training and experience required to effectively investigate building defects and failures, and analyze the cause and extent of damage.

Our services include:

Determine compliance with design and construction documentation

Field investigation, including visual surveys and destructive testing

Determination and allocation of responsibility for building component failures

Recommendations for remedial repairs

Provide reports which includes photographic that illustrate the construction defects, repair concepts and specifications